Tebex Script Integration

What is Tebex Integration?

Some of our scripts allow you to set up your own tebex store and automatically sell extra features like coupon codes, credits, etc. to your players. You can start using this feature of the scripts by making the integration.


Game server setup in Tebex:

1. Go to Tebex's website and sign up.

2. Open your dashboard after sign up.

3. Click on 'Game Server' from Dashboard menus.

4. Click on the 'Connect a game server' button and then select the 'PLUGIN' option from the page that opens and continue.

5. Fill in the name of your game server and select the all packages option. Save and close.

Fivem scripts shop

6. Copy the secret key given to you by tebex from the screen that appears after installation.

tebex shop

7. From your server files, open server.cfg and paste the secret key you copied in step 1 where your license keys are located as in the example below. (Don't forget to put the 'sv_tebexSecret' tag at the beginning of the secret key)

Fivem script store



Package Integration:

1. Open the Tebex dashboard, and click on packages on the left menu.

2. Click on 'add new' at the top right and select 'packages' from the drop-down menu just below it.

3. In this section; after setting the properties such as name, price, description, image as you wish, click on the 'Game Server Command' button in the 'Configure what your customers should receive upon purchasing this package' section at the bottom

Fivem mlo

4. In the section that opens, select your game server that is connected to the tebex you want to sell from the field under the 'Game Server' heading.

5. Click on the 'add command' button at the bottom right.

6. In the 'Enter the command' section, paste the code in the tebexInfo file in the script you purchased from us and edit it according to your own wishes.

Fivem Store

7. Select the option just to the left of the code section as 'When the package is purchased'.

8. Click on the small settings icon on the right side.

Fivem Shop

9. In the section that opens, change 'Require Player To Be Online' to 'Execute the command even if the player is offline' and save.

Fivem esx

10. Your Tebex sales integration is complete! Now, when the package you have created is purchased by a player, the transaction id given after the purchase can be used by your player in the redeem code field!