- Rental center where you can rent your workplaces on your server for 30 days.
- Here you can view the workplaces and rent them for 30 days.
- You can easily edit everything (images, descriptions, prices, names, coordinates, workplace sizes), you can easily add and remove workplaces.
- You can view the money on you and in the bank from the menu.
- The business centers you purchased are deleted after 30 days. When job centers are deleted, the occupations of you and all employees in your company are automatically changed to unemployed.
- You can hire new workers or fire your workers.
- If you try to rent a place that owns it, you won’t be able to rent it.
- If you have a workplace, you cannot rent another place.
- You cannot hire a new company if you do not have enough money.
- Occupations and MLO are not included in the script. You can simply add your own professions and MLO.
- (ESX, QBCORE) version
- We always will help you if you have a problems with our scripts, you need only write in contact form or in email: fivemscriptstore@gmail.com and wait.
- Don't forget that we dont sit 24 hours in support channel.