Weed Growing v2 script, a highly customizable and realistic weed cultivation system. Grow, manage, and harvest weed with a dynamic and interactive environment.
• Supports Multiple Frameworks:
- Fully compatible with ESX, QBCore, and OX frameworks, providing flexibility for various server setups.
• Advanced Growth System:
- Grow weed using plant pots or natural terrain, each with different growth mechanics and limitations.
• Realistic Environment Factors:
- Light, temperature, and water levels dynamically affect plant growth, requiring players to carefully maintain their crops.
- Adjustable environmental settings with configurable minimum and maximum values.
• Interactive Cultivation:
- Use different props such as fans, grow lights, and water sources to optimize growth conditions.
- Realistic plant stages with visual changes depending on growth progress.
• Configurable Grow Limits:
- Define maximum plant counts based on location and growing type (plant pot or natural soil).
- Weed growth is restricted to designated areas, ensuring balance on the server.
• Reward System:
- Harvest yields random amounts of weed and seeds, with configurable drop rates.
- Chance-based bonus items such as extra seeds to encourage sustainable farming.
• Customizable Prop System:
- Easily configure which objects represent different growth stages of weed.
- Fully adaptable to custom models or existing FiveM assets.
• NPC Seed Dealers:
- NPC dealers dynamically spawn in different locations, offering seeds for purchase.
- Configurable pricing, spawn limits, and stock availability for each dealer.
• Optimized Performance:
- Well-optimized script that ensures smooth performance without server lag.
- Configurable interaction distances for an immersive experience.
- We always will help you if you have problems with our scripts. You need only write in the contact form or email: and wait.
- Don't forget that we don’t sit 24 hours in the support channel.