Fivem Mechanic job script
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Mechanic job

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- Ownable Mechanic Shops:
 - Players can purchase mechanic shop and operate them.
 - Add as many shops on the map in config.
 - Configurable price, menu-pos, storage, workbench, lift(s) etc. for each mechanic shop.
 - Players can rename mechanic shop, manage employees, manage account or sell the shop.

-Employment System:
 - Integrated an employment system.
 - Mechanic shop owner, can hire, fire and promote/derank employees.
 - All mechanics have the "same" job in database, however owner can adjust job-grade and that means the salary.
- Storage System:
 - Integrated a storage system.
 - Mechanics hired in the specific mechanic shop, can access the storage.
 - Deposit or withdraw items.
 - All code related to storage is available, in-case u want to integrate InventoryHUD (not supported by DEFAULT).
- Workbench / Crafting:
 - Integrated a workbench/crafting menu for mechanics.
 - Set required materials for each craftable part in config.
 - You can easily add more craftable parts in config.
- Vehicle Body Repairs:
 - Mechanics raise a vehicle on a jack (requires item in inventory).
 - Afterwards they analyze the vehicle, to get a body-damage-report.
 - Then they use inventory item parts, such as doors, hood, trunk & wheels, to fix the broken/missing parts.
 - Added really nice prop-emotes and synced very well.
 - When body is 100% repaired, vehicle is lowered from the jack again.
- Vehicle Health/Engine Repairs:
 - Mechanics raise a vehicle on the mechanic shop lift.
 - They inspect the vehicle and fetch a vehicle health-part-damage-report.
 - Each health-part, such as clutch, transmission, drive shaft etc., has a value from 0.0-10.0, where 0.0 is totally broken and 10.0 is perfect condition.
 - After inspection, mechanic can repair specific parts up to a specific value from 0.0-10.0. Each 1.0 value/level costs x amount of materials (all configurable in config).
 - When repairs are done, vehicle can be taken down from the lift again.
- Vehicle Collision/Health:
 - Integrated a damage snippet, that sets engine health to 0-200 upon crashes.
 - Random chances to slash 1-4 of the vehicle's tires.
 - Random chances to degrade health values of vehicle health parts, such as radiator, brakes, electronics etc.
 - Each health part has an effect upon driving. When value is below x amount (configurable), it triggers different malfunctions in the vehicle. For electronics, lights will go on/off, radio
stations with switch. For brakes, the brake will suddenly kick in. For Drive-Shaft, the steering will suddenly to turn to one side.
 - These malfunctions happen only when health value is below specific amount and varies for configurable amount of time.
- NPC Repair Jobs:
 - Mechanics can carry out NPC jobs while no activity in their shop.
 - They drive out to a position, repair the vehicle, collect the cash and move on.
 - Possibility to cancel the job.
 - Everything from position, to vehicle, to rewards are configurable.
- Mechanic Action Menu:
 - Integrated an action menu for mechanics.
 - This is an essential part of their work, which contains different functions.
 - In here mechanics can also manage billings and use prop-emotes with toolbox, engine hoists etc.

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