Fivem Nopixel 4.0 Inspired Shop Script with new NUI for esx and qbcore framework. Included target and ped system, you can choose between text and target
- Nice and clean UI
- You can create as many stores as you want with different names.
- You can define which items you want to sell.
- You can create items category how much you want.
- Included target and ped system, you can choose between text and target, how it looks you can see in picture.
- You can add new coordinates at will.
- Very easy to configure and translate.
- You can set shop for job.
- Works without error or bugs.
- More information you can see in video.
- (ESX, QBCORE) version
- We always will help you if you have a problems with our scripts, you need only write in contact form or in email: and wait.
- Don't forget that we dont sit 24 hours in support channel.