- Allows players to do an illegal activity for the item, 'oxy' whilst earning money back from doing the drop offs too.
- Drop off locations are randomly generated from multiple options to randomize where the drop off locations are.
- Spawns a vehicle upon paying for the oxy run locations to do the run which is marked as stolen.
- Configurable rare item can be added with a low chance of being given instead.
- Configurable amount of drop off locations a player gets for each run before it automatically ends.
- If the oxy run vehicle is damaged enough the run will end due to the damage which has been done to the vehicle.
- Easily configurable.
- We always will help you if you have a problems with our scripts, you need only write in contact form or in email: fivemscriptstore@gmail.com and wait.
- Don't forget that we dont sit 24 hours in support channel.