Fivem Vehicle Rent V5: Car hire for as many days as you want. You no longer need to spend a fortune to own the luxury cars you dream of! With the brand new Car Rental System, it is possible to rent your favourite cars for as long as you wish.
- Rent any car you want for as long as you want. Cars are now yours!
- Complete the rental process with just a few clicks. Fast and practical!
- The vehicles you rent are safely stored in your garage. No risk of losing anything!
- When the rental period ends, your vehicle is automatically deleted. If you want to rent again, you can do it immediately.
- If your rental days are running out, you can extend the remaining days by paying more. Never lose your car!
- Everything is under your control! Thanks to the detailed config structure, you can easily edit every feature and setting. Create the experience that suits you best!
- (ESX, QBCORE) version.
- We always will help you if you have a problems with our scripts, you need only write in contact form or in email: and wait.
- Don't forget that we dont sit 24 hours in support channel.