- Server name.
- Time.
- Player ID.
- Player ping.
- Voice indicator (Salty, Mumble, Pma-voice).
- Cash info.
- Black money info.
- Job info.
- Streets name info.
- Healt status.
- Armor status.
- Hunger status.
- Thirst status.
- Stamina/Oxygen status.
- Custom mini map.
- Notification system.
- Information system.
- Vehicle speed.
- RPM status.
- Vehicle fuel status.
- Vehicle seatbelt status.
- Vehicle doors damage status.
- Vehicle engine damaga status.
- Vehicle lights indicator.
- KM/H or MHP you can change in config file.
- More information you can see in video.
- (ESX) version.
- We always will help you if you have a problems with our scripts, you need only write in contact form or in email: fivemscriptstore@gmail.com and wait.
- Don't forget that we dont sit 24 hours in support channel.